Sunday, May 20, 2012

As we complete 100 months on cyberspace!

On 7 July 2016 this blog would complete 100 months in cyber space! Time we did a bit of soul searching!! Hence this exertion :)

What is the purpose of this blog?
Well, high decibel talks aside, here we are interested to help you make winsome communication!  Yeah, that better describes this blog :) Our objective of talking about enabling principles like secularism and a democratic way of life underpins this approach! How? Well, while talking about such enablers we’d consciously try to improve upon our communication skills! We’d not lose focus and we’d continue to emphasize upon quality talks over trash, which titillate and add little value.

Why communication?
Communication is especially important because combined with our superior intelligence this is what distinguishes us from animals. As teachers we routinely preach: Communication is the most important skill in making or marring a career! Is it? Let's examine and in the process let's also achieve better depths and polish!

We’ll tailor our future submissions to the exacting standards:
Very often competitive examinations require essays to be written in 150 words or 300 words. Then in some other places they ask 700-800 word submission. Up till now our posts are mostly generic without benchmarking those to any examination standards. That approach would change and we’d consciously try to post a daily/ weekly round up and consciously try to meet the above word limits. 

No, we will not dispense with full length essays, for such essays are also in demand especially when one essay carries 100 marks or a submission is expected to be of 3500 to 5000 words.

So in cricketing parlance we will accommodate the 20-20 format, where we’ll try to fit into the exacting requirements of just 150 words; yet, we’ll not lose sight of the purer form of the game – Test cricket- where it tests the true mettle of a player.

What is more, we'd not neglect the technical side either. To demonstrate our commitment to hard core technical output the next couple of weeks would be devoted to two very important legislations: Evidence Act and Contract Act. All efforts would be taken to make the essays enjoyable by lay people.

Am I qualified to do this?
With my over one decade's quality experience in editing business reports, letters and communication(s), which includes stints with top firms abroad, I humbly believe, I can help you spruce up your communication skill.

Now that I teach ‘communication and ethics’ in professional courses, that would further help me in dabbling with a little bit of digital pedagogy.

Well, well; I can see your impatience! No pretense, I am little more than an armature artist and my chief ally in this venture is my passion to reach out! For, I’ve seen many a career getting stunted due to their poor command over English. I am determined to do whatever I can to help my brethren(which includes both brothers and sisters)  master this, especially when it is not their mother tongue. I am also constantly learning in the process and I know this is going to be a never-ending process! Hence we are not just in search for destinations, what is more important for us is: we are out to enjoy this process!

It all started with Sriharan asking me to review his essays:
Then- during 2000 to 2002- I was serving as an Assistant Manager in Ernst & Young, Colombo, Sri Lanka.  A young lad named Sriharan with a graduate degree from University of Warwickshire (UK) requested me to review his essays, which he planned to submit for his G-MAT. It was an interesting experience. I do not know how much I contributed for his essays but surely that incident was a learning opportunity for me and when I mull over it I feel that’s where my calling is!

I’ve continued with similar assignments:
Over the following years I have continued courting such assignments, where I could help people spruce-up their written communication and then of late I have also taught a bit of ‘spoken English’ to school kids.

Blogging as the main activity:
Up till now blogging was at best a fringe activity for me. Now that is going to change. I am going to pour my heart and soul into it and hope that would be rewarded by the affection and following of my friends. At around 43 I guess the time is just right for this transition, both from the point of maturity and opting a second career. Besides, I’ve always advocated the concept of SOHO and now I’d like to give it a serious trial!

What is more, I know it’s going to be a flight that we’ll take together; so “Bon voyage”!

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