Thursday, March 6, 2008

Beyond Constitutional Secularism

Secularism -a highly misunderstood concept in India:

For the theists- be the ones proclaiming their allegiance to Taliban or Shiv Sena- bash secularism coz each one- representing a particular religious denomination- is cock sure that if their hue is painted all over the world then the world would be a better place- heaven, Jannat or Swarg- to live in. I wonder if it ever happened that way? History is certainly not supporting such claims! As the gullible believers are not known for rational thought or knowledge they just push along the beaten track and the result is all there to see: Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and the ShivSena version of Maharashtra.

Going to the same kind of extreme in the name of Atheism would be no better. Again we have historical record to substantiate the same. Just study the practices of all failed Communist republics and also the existing ones. Hence the way out is a tolerant and accommodative approach- not a reactionary and fundamentalistic one. This gives us the beautiful concept of secularism. What is more, the accommodative principles also call for a theme called “celebratory neutrality”, which at first look might appear a contradiction yet that is the beauty. Just imagine how dull the world would have been, if we did not have any colors except black and white. Like wise expecting to force everything into a straight jacket- be it rabid theism or intolerant atheism- also brings about the same kind of disastrous results. Unfortunately we have not moved beyond constitutional secularism to its logical conclusion- a genuinely tolerant state, where a majority of the citizenry believes and endorses the virtue of tolerance and practices the same, both in letter and spirit. Lets discuss further :-)


Unknown said...

India follows Nehruvian secularism.

Now nehru himself wasn't honest so how Nehruvian secularism could be?

Suhas Karnik said...

a secular state, where a majority of the citizenry believes and endorses secular ethos and practices.

How would we? The whole culture is built around treating religion like a holy cow. Taslima, Salman Rushdie and MFH all tried to speak against religion and we saw what they got.

Kids have their imaginary friends called Superman, Batman and Superman. and they fight over who is stronger. Adults have the same, only their imaginary friends are called God, Allah and Vishnu/Shiva/etc.

Unfortunately, no one tells the adults to stop acting like kids. And as long as people don't learn to keep religion personal and kick out these parasites named priests, tolerance and secularism in this country is impossible.