Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Alumni revolution

"Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." -- Henry Ford

Here again the modern age cliche‘‘revolution’- the catch word for human emancipation- crops up! Well actually it’s a humble and modest effort and truly reminiscent of Gandhian activism, where if suffering is at all to be inflicted then that can be inflicted on the self and there is no room for bloodshed or violence. Yet, like any revolution it calls for sacrifices and for a willing revolutionary the sacrifice could be as supreme as sacrificing the self! No not the violent way of a lightening but the constructive burning of a candle, where by the steady glow over a definite period of time it enables a student to pursue her career or a wayfarer to trade in the night

As in the case of other constructive movements here too the payback is in holistic pleasure; a pleasure that human heart knows by giving to a deserving soul.  So here is a call to all concerned citizens, who would also like to play their roles as concerned alumni, to contribute. Let this revolution energize our slumbering soul and before long educational institutions become the most unifying establishments, cutting across the gender, caste, religion and region divide. :)

22 May 2012:

How if the Alumni associations are inspired to take responsibility for their own Alma maters?

Improvements in educational standards and sense of belongingness towards the schools is more required in case of government schools than in private schools. Unfortunately not a single Government schools in Odisha has an alumni association, which could be refereed to as a vibrant body. The best- among whatever alumni associations exist in Government schools- is perhaps that of Ravenshaw Collegiate School. Is it a vibrant body? Let’s have the litmus test.

The moot question is: Would the alumni of this great institution send their words to their Alma mater? The answer is obviously NO. Then what have they done or are doing to address this malaise?

There can be no two words that, in third world countries, if we wish to preserve the family silver then, we badly need to form and then run vibrant Alumni associations in our government schools; the schools that we passed out from. (I am sure, if not most then many of us graduated from Government schools)

And for this we do not need a pie from the government! For then we'll have to spend that from our own pockets!! Instead we waste our precious time in deliberating on and then fretting and fawning about the impractical ideas of AnnaJi and RamdevJi. Well their ideas look glamorous (it's about a lot of money, right!) and if you were to really go and work for your schools then that is HARD WORK!

I think and work for our school(s). Will you?

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