Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Is this rule of law?

Today- 16 May 2012- the front page large spread news in “Samaj”- the most respected Odia daily- is that of a gross atrocity of police in Puri. Where, apparently an innocent young man was picked up randomly and then subjected to third degree for over a day without following the due procedure of law, which mandates that he should have been produced before a magistrate and then forwarded to Jail if he was apprehended for a crime. He is now fighting for his life in Apollo hospital, Bhubaneswar after having been beaten mercilessly by the cops. 

The police dumped him in the verandah of the nearest government hospital after detaining and beating him for over a period of 28 hours, which constitutes a grave crime! Needless to mention his hapless relations took him to the private hospital from the government hospital, where the police dumped him after the above mentioned atrocity. What is more, his stay in the ICU of an expensive private hospital is going to bleed the family.

18 May 2012
Again the same news hogged the front page on 18 May 2012 in the same news paper- The Samaja. And guess what, it is still the lead news! This time the news article debunks the claim of the police that he is admitted to hospital due to 'fits'. The News paper claims that they have irrefutable evidence that the condition of the hapless youth is the handiwork of ruthless beating.

If the people who are entrusted to maintain law and order- the cops- stoop down to such lowly depths that every now and then their only fig leaf of an excuse is a lame excuse and even a lay man could tell that they are lying through their teeth, what kind of TRUST it creates in us- the people whom they are duty bound to protect

The breaking down of the parents before the additional SP, who is investigating this case adds more emotions. As usual there is the charge that the authorities are shielding the guilty officer rather than bringing him to justice. The moot question is why such high handedness? And what is this farce of departmental inquiry?? For that matter which investigation/ inquiry we- the common men can repose faith on??? 

In the age of polygraphs and other llie detectors and various other scientific forensic equipment where is the room for such gross violation of human rights by the people who are supposed to protect us? The argument of deterrence also does not hold water. What for we have jails then?? Is this rule of law???

Well, our justice delivery system has become so inefficient that now every body is trying to settle his case according to their own way and the police are no exception to this. 

Then, when we mull over yesterday’s front page news of Andimuthu Raja getting released under bail; naturally we feel low and let down. Raja and his supporters rejoiced after he was released and as per news paper reports today Raja attended the parliament! Now, if a common man has difficulty in referring to the parliament as the temple of democracy why do the parliamentarians make such a hue and cry?

In such times let's assuage our bruised feelings by remembering that people like martyr Sukhdev, Rajguru, Bhagat Singh and Mahatma Gandhi laid their lives so that we'd have this great nation. Now it is up to us, how we will give it a direction. Let’s resolve; we will not let down those people neither their sacrifice will go waste.

A Raja and his cronies must remember that, very recently, when the entire nation looked forward to have an Uttar (result for the recently concluded assembly elections), the electorates of UP gave a firm thumbs down to the self proclaimed messiah of Dalits- Behenji Mayawati - and proclaimed a resounding verdict, that the days of the corrupt are numbered! 

So the writing on the wall is loud and clear. The 2014 general elections are going to witness yet another watershed. For, the common man is in no mood to placate the corrupt politicians and get fooled with their lullabies. We’ve had enough of this Goonda- Police Raj! So, A Raja –be aware and long live India!!

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